An attorney from the Baltimore personal injury law firm can explain the process of a lawsuit and how it affects you.

Issues to Remember When a Lawsuit Is Necessary

Your attorney from the Baltimore personal injury law firm will explain the following about the process:

  1. After investigating the circumstances of the case and conducting an investigation, a claim will be filed with the court. This is called a Summons and Complaint.
  2. The person, persons, or company who is alleged to have been responsible for your injuries will have the Summons and Complaint served upon them. They will be called the defendant. You are the plaintiff.
  3. After the complaint has been served, the insurer for the defendant will hire an attorney to lodge a defense. The attorney will file an Answer to the Complaint. This will often deny being responsible for the injuries.
  4. The process of the representatives of both the plaintiff and defendant seeking information from one another is called discovery. As the plaintiff, you will take part in discovery.

Some of the following issues will be dealt with:

  • You will be asked questions that will need written responses. This is also called “interrogatories.”
  • You and other witnesses will give depositions. This is conducted in front of the attorneys along with a court reporter.
  • The attorneys will request medical reports, statements from witnesses, medical expenses, and any other documents that are connected to the case.
  • A process called “requests for admissions” will require that both sides reduce the issues in the case by admitting that there are facts not in dispute.
  • Motions in court and other pretrial procedures will get the case ready to go to trial.
  • Video depositions given by doctors, meetings with witnesses, briefs, and your attorney appearing before the judge are all part of the preparation for trial.
  • Finally, there will be a trial if a settlement is not reached.

Speak to an Experienced Attorney from the Baltimore Personal Injury Law Firm

If you have questions about how a lawsuit will affect you, call (443) 394-0900 to speak to an attorney from the Baltimore personal injury law firm at the Law Offices of James Lee Katz, P.A. 


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