While you may wonder when you can expect a settlement check, your Baltimore personal injury lawyer may warn you that the insurance company may intentionally stall your claim. Here are some of the common ways that insurance companies can make you wait.
Waiting on Contribution
Your Baltimore personal injury lawyer can explain that the insurance company may claim that it will not settle your claim until it receives the contribution that you are required to pay. Likewise, if the insurance company is waiting on a contribution from its own client or from a third-party, it may stall for these reasons.
The insurance company may force you to participate in arbitration as part of your policy with the company. This tactic may be employed in order to give the company more time to negotiate less favorable terms with you.
Statutes of Limitations
Your Baltimore personal injury lawyer may discuss the applicable statute of limitations with you. This is the time period in which you have to file a claim in order to prevent you from being barred from seeking recovery. An unethical approach may be for the insurance company to intentionally make the statute of limitations run without informing you of the need for you to take certain action to protect your claim.
Unjustified Denial
The insurance company may initially deny the claim even when the claims adjuster knows that the claimant has a viable case.
If you would like more information about how insurance companies may stall, contact the Baltimore personal injury law firm of the Law Offices of James Lee Katz, P.A. at 443-394-0900.